text in the form of a rubber stamp, slanting at angle
garden robin,  half-profile, wings folded



Video Trailer

Robin's video trailer
small section divider pattern resembling wings in orange colour

The wording that appears on the trailer is similar to that found on the back cover of the book:


"Why are robins such friendly birds? What exactly do they eat? And where do they like to build their nests? Is the robins reputation for promiscuity at all justified? And do they really sing because theyre happy?

Entertaining, informative and forthright. The ultimate guide - in his own words - to one of Britains most cherished garden residents.

Authored by A. Robin Esq.

Illustrated by

Robert Stephen Parry"

The Books

book cover shows painting of a UK robin perched on branch
The Magnificent British Garden Robin
cover of the Robin Almanac book
The Robin Almanac
Apple Books logo
cover image of The robin Diary book
The Robin Diary